Whether they're in a crowded city park or in some far-flung country field, these outdoor music fests are an excuse for all you die-hard fans to lose your voice, not shower for days, and let out that rable-rousing, closeted band freak that you keep pent up for the sake of public appearances!
Two bands that I'm trying to see this summer are Local Natives and Empire of the Sun.
The howls, conscientious strumming and rickety tribal beats that make up LN's afro-indie sound made them a hit in no time.
Since then, the dudes and have gone on rock venues like SXSW, Coachella, Bonaroo, & Bordello.
Over time, the band, made up of Luke Steele and Nick Littlemore have found a method to their success that involves their sultry 70's sound, trippy, dreamscape music videos, and I'm sure, lots and lots of crack.
Both Local Natives and Empire of the sun will be on tour in the US and beyond this summer. You can be assured I will be there screaming and making a scene with all the other nuttos in the crowd!
Local Natives myspace: http://www.myspace.com/localnatives
Empire of the sun myspace: http://www.myspace.com/empireofthesunsound
Empire of the Sun is playing at Outside Lands this weekends...I have no idea who they are but I had a friend post some music by them on FB. Maybe I need to have another listen.